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August 2003
(It's about a year now since A Plan for Spam. So far,
filters are winning. This article analyzes the tricks
spammers have tried to beat them,
and offers some suggestions for the future.)
Bayesian filters are now common enough that we're
starting to see spams designed specifically to get past them.
So far these tricks aren't working. My filtering
rate is still over 99.7%, and Brian Burton reports an
astonishing 99.9% with his multi-word Bayesian
Will such filtering rates hold up? What are spammers doing to
attack Bayesian filters? Is there anything we can do to
make them tighter?
More Good Tokens
There are only two ways
to get past a Bayesian filter: add more good tokens, or
use fewer bad ones. Spammers are actively trying both.
They try to add good tokens by inserting random
dictionary words, or by attaching a big chunk of
neutral text, typically from a book or a wire service article.
Neither of these tricks works very well.
Choosing words
at random
yields (as you might expect) words that are just
as likely to occur in spams as in legitimate mail. The
vocabulary of spams is a little narrower than that of
legitimate mail, so spammers may get
a slight benefit from adding random words, but it is mostly
a wash, statistically.
Most randomly chosen words turn out not to have
occurred in either spam or nonspam mail, and therefore have
neutral spam probabilities. (I still use .4 as the
default for unseen words.) You can counter the noise of
random tokens by using an occurrence threshold, as
recommended in the Plan for Spam.
I still use a threshold of 3.
chunks of articles or books doesn't seem to work
any better, at least in the cases I've seen so far. The
appended text doesn't look like spam, but it doesn't look
much like the email I get either, so it tends not to have
any effect, statistically.
Many spammers now use randomly generated names in their
From lines, but these turn out to make filtering easier:
I get a lot of email from strangers, but none of them
so far have been called Krystal or Louella.
I think the names of most users' correspondents will
fall into a small, consistent subset.
So choosing names at random will yield tokens with high, not neutral,
spam probabilities.
Fewer Bad Tokens
The other way to spoof a Bayesian filter is to use fewer
bad tokens. There are two general strategies: try
to conceal the bad tokens, or rewrite the
email to use less spammy language.
So far, trying to conceal bad tokens is a complete failure.
All the tricks I've seen so far make the spams easier to
catch, not harder. These include misspellings (V1agra),
breaking up words with spaces or html (S E X),
sending the spam as an image instead of text,
and sending a Javascript program that generates the spam.
end up having
higher spam probabilities than the words they're intended
to conceal. In my filter the spam probability of
"Viagra" is .9848, and of "V1agra" .9998. [1]
For this kind of
trick to work, you have to be the first person to use
nearly every misspelling in a spam. The odds of doing
that are low, and if you fail you merely teach the filter
all the new misspellings.
Breaking up
words has the same effect. It is easy to make
a tokenizer ignore most such tricks, but it probably
wouldn't matter if you didn't bother. Legitimate email
doesn't contain broken bits of words, so they quickly
get high spam probabilities. In my filter the letter S
by itself in the subject line has a spam probability of .9427.
Sending the spam as an
instead of text doesn't work
either, because you need certain html tags to display an
image, and these all end up having very high
spam probabilities. Particularly the url. If you use a
domain name and it's one that has shown up in spams
before, you're dead. If you use an ip address instead,
you're even deader. No tokens have higher spam probabilities
than numbers in a url.
Sending the spam hidden within a
program fails for a similar reason. Javascript is even rarer
in legitimate mails than img tags, so the tokens in a
Javascript program get very high spam probabilities.
Rewriting the spam in less spammy language is the only
one of these strategies likely to succeed. But this takes
a lot of work. It may not even be possible for
some spams. How do you rewrite a mortgage spam
without using terms like "refinance" (.9612),
"lenders" (.9862), or "mortgage" (.9995)?
And remember, whatever euphemisms you use, they
have to be different from the ones used by every mortgage
spammer before you. Surely at this point it would be less
work for the spammer to switch to some more legitimate
That's an important consideration. If the only way to
get past Bayesian filters is to write spams more cleverly,
we've made spamming a lot harder, because we've shifted the
burden of cleverness from the few comparatively smart people
who write spamware to the large number of stupider people
who write the spams.
The infrastructure of spam is
built by smart people, what
Praed called "hackers gone bad."
The spams themselves, however, are written by the
individual spammers. Spamware can only help them so far.
It can insert random words into the spam for them, or
break up and misspell words, but it can't rewrite the
spam in less spammy language. It would take AI
to do that.
When the spammers do try to rewrite their messages,
they'll probably do it by replacing
individual spammy tokens with phrases of more neutral
words. But multi-word filters will learn and
catch these phrases too.
Brian Burton's
and Bill Yerazunis' CRM114
already look
at multi-word patterns. When a spam gets through my
filter I send it on to them, and they always seem to be
able to catch it.
And of course, spams won't work so well if they have to be rewritten in
more neutral language. People who respond to spams are
presumably pretty dull-witted, and have to be hit over
the head with a lot of capital letters and exclamation
points to get them to do anything. Perhaps you can't
get them to act at all unless you tell them they have to
ACT NOW! So forcing spammers to use
more neutral language may be enough to put most of them
out of business. We'll see in the coming year.
The Future
This battle has only just started. I've only been seeing
spams that seem intended specifically to spoof Bayesian filters
for a couple months. But we'll be seeing a
lot more now that
has released Bayesian filters.
How will the battle play out?
As I said in the Plan for Spam, I think it may all come
down to links. The Web is the main cause of spam, not email.
Nearly all spams include some kind of contact
mechanism, and this is nearly always a link. [2]
This is the part of the spam that filter writers should
focus on, because this is the hardest for the
spammer to change.
Better Bayesian Filtering
mentioned that filters could
be made more discriminating by marking tokens with their
context. "FREE" in the subject line has a much higher
spam probability (.9999) than "FREE" in the body (.7567).
So far I have
only marked tokens with the name of the header line they
occur in. This idea could be expanded to
squeeze more information out of links.
Tokens like "here", "remove", or "img"
within a link will have a much higher spam probability than
they would otherwise.
(This would probably be true for tokens within e.g. font tags, too.)
In response to filters, spams are getting smaller.
In many the payload now consists of a single image tag
within a link:
But this much html is still enough to catch the spam.
In effect, you can recognize
this kind of spam by its form.
If these spams have anything in them besides the
link and the image tag, it's usually just chaff-- random
text intended to spoof filters. So far such chaff is
ineffective, but we can't assume it will stay that way.
There are ways to generate text that would
work better at counterbalancing the spamminess of
the link and the image.
Eventually filters might have to take steps to
recognize and ignore chaff. For example, if an email
had some tokens with very high spam probabilities, and
others with very low spam probabilities, you might want
to ask if the spammy words all occurred close together,
or rescore it looking only at the html.
Another way to factor out chaff might be to look at whether the text
seemed grammatical. You wouldn't necessarily have to parse it.
For English, at least, I can imagine several ways to come up with a
quick statistical estimate.
The hardest kind of spams to catch are those I've called
"spam of the future"-- a little plain text plus a url:
Hey there. Check out the following:
The future has arrived. I regularly see spams like this
now. I still catch nearly all of them-- headers alone would
be enough to catch most current spam-- but the .3% of
spam that I miss is mostly spam of the future.
In spam of the future, the sales pitch is pushed one step
back. Instead of being contained in the email itself,
as in an ordinary spam, it is waiting a click away on a
web site.
This trend is encouraging, because it implies that filters are
winning. Spam is literally retreating. (This is more than
a symbolic victory; each extra step cuts response rates.)
If the spam is waiting
on a web site, why not have filters go look at what's there?
You could apply the filtering algorithm pretty much
unchanged to the contents of the site.
Richard Jowsey of
death2spam has already
started doing this in borderline cases, and he
reports that it works well.
A cheaper alternative would be a cooperative list of
sites advertised in spams. Instead of examining the site,
a filter could query a server (or p2p network) to see if
other users had recently reported spams promoting that
domain. If so it could
be treated as a token with very high spam probability.
(A cooperative list of spamvertised sites would be useful
for other purposes as well.)
This idea could be generalized to a cooperative list of
all tokens with high spam probabilities, not just domain names.
This would improve filtering rates for everyone, but particularly
for users of newly installed filters, which would now
need little training.
To take advantage of this kind of information, we
should ideally delay filtering as long as possible. I.e.
filter when the user checks his mail, not when it arrives
at the server. By the time you check your mail, odds are
that any spam that made it into in your inbox has already
been seen by thousands of people.
Divide and Conquer
Some people believe that spammers will inevitably figure
out a way around filters, and that a better solution is to
have laws making spamming a federal crime.
I'd love to see such laws myself, at least if they were
written properly. And strangely enough, I think filters will
help this to happen. There is a class of spammers who
couldn't evade filters even if they knew how, and eliminating
these will make it easier to attack the rest.
It's hard to pass effective laws against spam now,
because there is a continuum of spammers, ranging from
(ahem) "permission-based email marketers" like Virtumundo
that send unsolicited
email to addresses they buy from sites with unscrupulous privacy
policies, to bottom-feeders
like Alan
Ralsky who send unsolicited email to addresses
culled from web pages, chat rooms, and newsgroups. [3]
The companies at the more legitimate end of the spectrum
lobby for loopholes that allow the bottom-feeders to slip through too.
For example, congress seems to be considering allowing
unsolicited mail so long as it contains a working unsubscribe link. [4]
This despite the fact that most experts advise
clicking on unsubscribe links, because they just
tell the more unscrupulous spammers that you're a live
target. How does congress expect the email recipient to
be able to figure out which unsubscribe links yield less
spam, and which yield more?
Filters will help fix this situation, by putting the
"opt-in" spammers out of business. Such companies can't take
serious measures to spoof filters (e.g. falsifying headers)
and still maintain the fiction that the tens of millions of
people on their lists are "subscribers" who
actually want to receive their valuable offers. [5]
The result is that "opt-in" spam is very easy to filter.
I can't imagine any Bayesian filter, however badly implemented,
not catching this stuff. I don't think I've ever had a single one
get through mine.
As the growing volume of spam encourages widespread use of
filters, the number of people who see
spam sent by the "opt-in" mailers will gradually shrink
down to nothing. And with it the companies themselves.
True, this would put the wrong half of the spammers out of
business. But getting rid of the "opt-in" spammers will
ultimately hurt the bottom-feeders too.
If the "opt-in" spammers went away, leaving a clear gap between
L. L. Bean and Alan Ralsky, it would be easier to pass
laws that distinguished between them. It would be
clear to everyone where marketing ended and
crime began, and there would be no lobbyists working to
blur the distinction.
Putting a lock on your door may not keep everyone out,
but it makes it easy to distinguish between the people
you invite and the people who break in.
[1] The difference wouldn't be as great for most people, but
much of my mail is about spam, and so often contains the
word "Viagra".
[2] About 95% of spam sent to me contains urls. The rest
are evenly divided between 419,
MLM, and non-ascii (mostly
Russian) spams, most of which want you to respond by email,
and all of which are easy to filter.
Anyone want to write an ELIZA to talk to these people?
[3] Is there that much difference
between these two cases?
[4] "Unsubscribe" is of course a misnomer. You didn't
subscribe to their email list. They just bought
your address from someone. But for better or worse getting
yourself off a spammer's list has come to be called
[5] I did once get a
promoting Omaha Steaks in which the
subject line read
12_F.R.E.E._Hamburgers & Half_Price_Steaks
This is pushing the limits of plausible deniability.
You have to wonder how they can continue to claim they're
sending offers to willing recipients, while at the same
time taking such obvious steps to spoof filters. What's next?
Mail from 0ma_ha 5teakz?